LAN chat and text conferencing in easiest way with Vypress Chat

Getting started with Chat Terminal

Chat Terminal

After the Chat Terminal starts you will see a welcome message and a command prompt >. The standard Chat Terminal prompts looks like channel>. This message is an invitation to enter a command (must begin with / slash) or a message. It shows the name of the currently chatting channel. To enter a command, simply type it, and then press Enter to execute it. To send a message, type it, and then press Enter. To edit a command line, use the left and right arrow keys to position within the line, and the Backspace and Delete keys to delete characters to the left or right of the cursor, respectively. To insert text, simply type it. You can press Enter with the cursor located anywhere on the line to execute the command. You can scroll through the history of previously entered commands and messages using the up and down arrow keys. This enables you to easily re-enter a command or re-send a message, either exactly as you previously entered it or after editing.

Chat Terminal commands

First commands that should to be executed after the program starts are /list and /join. To send a message, type it, and then press Enter. To edit a command line, use the left and right arrow keys to position within the line, delete characters to the left or right of the cursor, respectively. To insert text, simply type it. You can press Enter with the cursor located anywhere on the line to execute the command. You can scroll through the history of previously entered commands and messages using the up and down arrow keys. This enables you to easily re-enter a command or re-send a message, either exactly as you previously entered it or after editing.

List of commands:

addadd a current channel topic
allchs, allchannelslist all channel names that are created in a network
alluserslist all users in a network
beep NICKsend a beep signal to a user with name NICK
cc CHANNELset a channel with name CHANNEL as a current channel
channels NICKrequest a user with name NICK for list of joined channels
clsclear the screen
echo on, echo offdisplay or don't display entered commands and messages on the standard output
exit, quitquit the program, you can also use key sequence Ctrl+C to exit the program
flood NICK SECONDSban a user with name NICK for SECONDS seconds
helpdisplay this information
hererefresh list of users of a current channel
here CHANNELrefresh list of users of a channel with name CHANNEL
info NICKrequest personal information about a user with name NICK
joinjoin to '#Main' channel
join CHANNELjoin to a channel with name CHANNEL
leaveleave a current channel
leave CHANNELleave a channel with name CHANNEL
listlist all users in a network
mass TEXTsend a mass message with TEXT
mesend an activity message to the current channel
msg NICK TEXTsend a mass message with TEXT to one user with name NICK
mylist channels which you are joined to
nick NICKchange your nick name to NICK
sjoin PASSWD CHANNEL  join to a secured channel CHANNEL with a password PASSWD
topic TOPICset current channel's topic to TOPIC
wait SECONDSwait for SECONDS seconds
whoimdisplay detailed information about you
userslist users who are joined to the current channel

In commands where two parameters are required the first parameter must be enclosed with any symbols, for example /msg 'name' text or /sjoin /pass'\"word/ CHANNEL


All software settings are maintained by standard XML files:

  • chatterm.xml - application and network settings file. An example of such file is "example_chatterm.xml'. You can modify and rename this file if necessary. Default location of chatterm.xml is a home folder of ChatTerminal;
  • chatterm.user.xml - user personal settings file. An example of such file is "example_chatterm.user.xml". You should to modify and rename this file to have information about you. Default location of "chatterm.user.xml" is "%USERPROFILE%/Application Data" folder. You can run ChatTerminal by command ChatTerm -u chatterm.user.xml to read a chatterm.user.xml file from the current folder.
All elements and attributes in the XML files have clear meaning but yet we add detailed comments about all elements and attributes in example files.

Command Line parameters

You can get help about available command line switches by command ChatTerm /? or ChatTerm --help. Command line switch -dN, where N is a number between 0-15 turns on displaying debug information: 0 - nothing, 15 as much as possible, 1 - debug received messages, 2- debug received packets (packets are printed as a Hex String), 8 - debug sent packets, all other numbers are bitwise combination of mentioned values.

The syntax of ChatTerm command is:

ChatTerm [options]
--helpdisplay usage text
/c {filename}path to configuration file
/d[N]verbose level
/i {filename}path to initialization script file
/u {filename}path to personal user information configuration file
--versiondisplay version info
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